#1 Healthcare Job Search Site in Japan Chooses Greater Seattle for North American Launch

#1 Healthcare Job Search Site in Japan Chooses Greater Seattle for North American Launch

Jobley, whose parent company MEDLEY, operates the #1 healthcare job search site in Japan has chosen to locate in Bellevue, WA. It is a career marketplace for medical professionals to find their best fit jobs. The company currently focuses on nurses and dental professionals where employers control the hiring process by posting jobs free of…

Greater Seattle Life Sciences Market Fastest-Growing in the U.S.

Greater Seattle Life Sciences Market Fastest-Growing in the U.S.

Venture capital funding is pouring into our region and continuing to set records in 2021. Big checks are definitely going to tech, but another industry sector that is thriving – in part due to the tech ecosystem – is the life sciences. According to a recent CBRE report, venture capital funding for our region’s life…